Library of climate resources

This is a collection of links to climate datasets, tools, guidance and related resources. The sources include the federal government, provincial and territorial governments, national professional organizations, climate consortia and established international organizations. It can be useful for impact, vulnerability and risk assessments, and for adaptation planning.

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Explanation of the different resource types
  • data product - downloadable climate dataset
  • tool - builds on a dataset with further analyses and/or visualization
  • guidance - provides direction on the use of climate information or on conducting climate-related assessments
  • codes and standards - guidance and best practice documents for climate resilient design
  • additional resources include educational and awareness-raising material, impact assessments and scientific syntheses

Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results
  • Agroclimate Maps (Opens in a new Window)

    Agroclimate maps display agroclimate conditions in Canada. Available maps include both current agroclimate conditions and historic agroclimate conditions. Agroclimate variables include precipitation characteristics, temperature, and drought indices. Maps can be seen based on region and time span (from Weekly to 5 years). National, Pacific, Prairie, Central, Atlantic, and Ontario maps can be selected.
    Government of Canada: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Mapped

    Alberta Climate and Atlas Maps (Opens in a new Window)

    Alberta Climate and Atlas Maps contains gridded and mapped displays of historically observed temperature, precipitation, soil moisture, drought, fire indices, radiation, wind, growing season length, frost, and an agroclimatic atlas. Data are presented as summaries across the monitoring period, which varies depending on the variable and location(s) of interest. Data is available graphically and as mapped products.
    Government of Alberta
    Resource formats:
    • Interactive
    • Mapped

    BC Water Resources Atlas (Opens in a new Window)

    The BC Water Resources Atlas is an iMapBC application with enhanced functionality to display detailed water related data, including watersheds, water quantity and quality monitoring sites, aquifers, water wells and flood protection works. This tool presents raster data for a variety of layers.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Mapped

    Canadian Disaster Database (Opens in a new Window)

    The Canadian Disaster Database contains information on Canadian and international disasters from 1900 to present. Disasters are separated into natural (biological, meteorological/hydrological, and geological), conflict (arson, civil incidents, hijacking, and terrorist), and technology (fire, hazardous chemical, transportation accident, infrastructure failure, explosion, and space event). Point and gridded historical data are available.
    Government of Canada: Public Safety Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Mapped

    Canadian Drought Monitor (Opens in a new Window)

    The Canadian Drought Monitor (CDM) uses a classification system that defines severity, extent, and impacts of drought to monitor and report drought. This dataset includes a variety of information regarding the monitoring and reporting of drought. This includes current drought conditions, drought analysis, historic drought maps and data, and the Canadian Drought Monitor application. Current drought severity is shown in polygon format.
    Government of Canada: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Mapped

    Climate Data (Opens in a new Window)

    Climate Data brings together a significant amount of climate data and tools that have been developed for Newfoundland and Labrador. This includes historical climate data, road weather information system data, Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) curves, temperature and precipitation projections, and flood alert system updates. Additional tools include flood risk mapping and coastal erosion monitoring. Future data are available as gridded data.
    Government of Newfoundland and Labrador
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Graphical

    Climate Impacts and Outlook (Opens in a new Window)

    The Climate Impacts and Outlook resource offers a snapshot of recent weather events and anomalies, regional weather impacts on ecosystems and economic sectors, and a forecast for the coming three months displayed through static maps. Historical and future data are available as point, grid and polygon data. Regional impacts and outlooks are available from 2014 to 2017. Current conditions and forecasts of temperature, precipitation, drought, stream flow, winter weather, and ocean conditions are available.
    Gulf of Maine Council on the Marine Environment
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Graphical
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    Current and projected climate data for North America (CMIP6 scenarios) (Opens in a new Window)

    AdaptWest provides modelled climate projections generated using the ClimateNA software, downscaled from the Coupled Climate Model Comparison Phase 6 (CMIP6) database. Variables include mean and extreme estimates of temperature and precipitation, growing and cooling degree days, snowfall, evapotranspiration, and drought indices. Data are available from individual models or a 15-model ensemble at a 1km resolution for North America as well as individual states and provinces to a horizon year of 2050, available for download in grid or tabular formats.
    Conservation Biology Institute
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Mapped

    Ecological Factors - Drought Risk Tool, Frost Risk Tool (Opens in a new Window)

    The Drought and Frost Risk Tools assess forest health and risk(s) related to frost, drought, and ecological characteristics. Applications are currently valid for sub-regions within BC: Prince George and Cranbrook Timber Supply Area (TSA) (Drought tool) and Cariboo (Frost tool). These tools are excel-based applications and assess risk for current conditions as well as projected future climates for 2020, 2050, and 2080.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Interactive
    • Graphical
    • Tool

    Faits saillants (in French only) (Opens in a new Window)

    Faits saillants includes official climatological reports and lists with various climatic events that have occurred in Quebec in recent years (2013-2018). Monthly reports summarize weather conditions, nothing any of record breaking trends. Static maps of mean monthly climate are also available.
    Government of Quebec
    Resource formats:
    • Graphical
    • Mapped

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More resources from the Canadian Centre for Climate Services

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