Library of climate resources

This is a collection of links to climate datasets, tools, guidance and related resources. The sources include the federal government, provincial and territorial governments, national professional organizations, climate consortia and established international organizations. It can be useful for impact, vulnerability and risk assessments, and for adaptation planning.

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Explanation of the different resource types
  • data product - downloadable climate dataset
  • tool - builds on a dataset with further analyses and/or visualization
  • guidance - provides direction on the use of climate information or on conducting climate-related assessments
  • codes and standards - guidance and best practice documents for climate resilient design
  • additional resources include educational and awareness-raising material, impact assessments and scientific syntheses

Showing 1 - 10 of 42 results
  • Assembly of First Nations National Climate Gathering Report: Driving Change, Leading Solutions (2020) (Opens in a new Window)

    In 2020, the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) held its first National Climate Gathering in Whitehorse, Yukon, on the traditional territory of the Ta’an Kwächän and the Kwanlin Dün. More than 300 First Nations experts, leaders, youth, women, knowledge keepers, and professionals gathered to discuss root causes, acceleration of existing challenges, and solutions to the climate crisis. This report reflects on the presentations, discussions, experiences and knowledge shared at the Climate Gathering.
    Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
    Resource formats:
    • Adaptation planning

    Atlas hydroclimatique du Québec méridional (in French only) (Opens in a new Window)

    The Hydroclimatic Atlas of Southern Quebec describes the current and future water regime of southern Quebec in order to support the implementation of water management practices that are resilient to climate change. Note that the results for the 2030 and 2080 horizons are described in the summary sheets associated with each section of river.
    Government of Quebec
    Resource formats:
    • Interactive
    • Impact assessment
    • Scientific synthesis
    • Graphical
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    Baseline Hydrology Statistics (Opens in a new Window)

    Baseline Hydrology Statistics includes information on streamflow regimes in the Southwestern Hudson Bay and Nelson River watershed, which lies within Ontario. A review and summary of the streamflow statistics at the primary watershed scale is also provided. Data are available for download in tabular format upon request.
    Government of Ontario
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    BC Water Resources Atlas (Opens in a new Window)

    The BC Water Resources Atlas is an iMapBC application with enhanced functionality to display detailed water related data, including watersheds, water quantity and quality monitoring sites, aquifers, water wells and flood protection works. This tool presents raster data for a variety of layers.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Mapped

    BC Water Tool (Opens in a new Window)

    A map-based water information tool designed to provide public access to a wide range of water-related data and information in British Columbia. The data is displayed with flexible charts and analytical tools to help users understand and use the data.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Interactive
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    Canadian Extreme Water Level Adaptation Tool (CAN-EWLAT) (Opens in a new Window)

    Canadian Extreme Water Level Adaptation Tool (CAN-EWLAT) is a science-based planning tool for the adaptation of coastal infrastructure related to future water-level extremes and changes in wave climates. This tool allows users to locate tide gauges and small craft harbours across Canada. For each geographical location, data including vertical allowance, sea level rise, mean water level, and wave climate can be visualized and downloaded.
    Government of Canada: Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Interactive
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    Change in Timing and Volume of River Flow in BC (1912-2012) (Opens in a new Window)

    The Change in Timing and Volume of River Flow in BC dataset includes hydrological data, long-term changes in flow timing, flow volume, and statistical significance of estimates for rivers across BC. Summaries are provided annually and seasonally for two time periods depending on monitoring station: 1912-2012 (six stations) and 1958-2012 (eleven stations). Observed data from explicit points are available for download in tabular format.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Data files

    Climate change adaptation framework manual (Opens in a new Window)

    This manual is intended to help organizations address climate change risks in a comprehensive and consistent manner. This document provides a framework for moving through the stages of adaptation planning: Scope and Preparation, Vulnerability Assessment, Risk Assessment, Adaptation Options, and the Prioritization of Options and Development of a Strategy.
    Government of Alberta
    Resource formats:
    • Vulnerability or risk assessment

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