Library of climate resources

This is a collection of links to climate datasets, tools, guidance and related resources. The sources include the federal government, provincial and territorial governments, national professional organizations, climate consortia and established international organizations. It can be useful for impact, vulnerability and risk assessments, and for adaptation planning.

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Explanation of the different resource types
  • data product - downloadable climate dataset
  • tool - builds on a dataset with further analyses and/or visualization
  • guidance - provides direction on the use of climate information or on conducting climate-related assessments
  • codes and standards - guidance and best practice documents for climate resilient design
  • additional resources include educational and awareness-raising material, impact assessments and scientific syntheses

Showing 1 - 8 of 8 results
  • Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (Opens in a new Window)

    Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) contains daily fire weather, year-round fire behavior and hot spot maps throughout the forest fire season, generally between May and September. Multiple offerings are available including an interactive map, current conditions, fire danger, weather, fire weather, fire behaviour, fire M3 hotspots, and monthly and seasonal forecasts. Historical analyses including fire weather normals and fire behaviour normals are also available. Data are available as point and polygon data.
    Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Interactive
    • Graphical
    • Mapped

    CWFIS Datamart (Opens in a new Window)

    The Canadian Wildland Fire Information Service (CWFIS) DataMart contains observational fire history data. Datasets include the National Burned Area Composite (defined as the area of forest burned annually since 2004), National Fire Database fire polygon data (forest fire perimeters), National Fire Database fire point data (forest fire locations), the Large Fire Database fire point data (fires greater than 200 hectares between 1959 and 1999), and Alberta Smoke Plume Observations data (observations of 222 plumes collected between 2010 and 2015). Historical point and polygon data are available across Canada.
    Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Mapped

    Ecological Factors - Drought Risk Tool, Frost Risk Tool (Opens in a new Window)

    The Drought and Frost Risk Tools assess forest health and risk(s) related to frost, drought, and ecological characteristics. Applications are currently valid for sub-regions within BC: Prince George and Cranbrook Timber Supply Area (TSA) (Drought tool) and Cariboo (Frost tool). These tools are excel-based applications and assess risk for current conditions as well as projected future climates for 2020, 2050, and 2080.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Interactive
    • Graphical
    • Tool

    Forest Change Adaptation Tools (Opens in a new Window)

    Forest Change adaptation tools provides information about the impacts of climate change on Canada’s forests and on how to adapt to changing climate conditions. Adaptation tools and resources for forest managers are available here. The tools and resources provided include maps, databases, web applications and synthesis reports. They are grouped under three broad systems: climate, forest and human.
    Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Interactive
    • Graphical
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    Forest Change Data Catalogue (Opens in a new Window)

    The Forest Climate Change Data Catalogue is a collection of data sets that are relevant to the Canadian forest sector under a changing climate. Created by Canadian Forest Service scientists, these data sets include static maps, raw data (both point and gridded), and interactive maps that cover all of Canada. Data themes include drought, fire, climate and tree distribution; multiple climate scenarios are projected to the year 2100. The data sets will be periodically updated as new information becomes available.
    Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Graphical
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    Forest Change Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) (Opens in a new Window)

    Forest change frequently asked questions about climate change uncertainty, climate modelling, adaptation options, mapping the occurrence of Canada's forest pathogens, and Canada-wide maps of forest properties
    Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Interactive
    • Mapped
    • Adaptation planning
    • Educational and awareness-raising material

    Plant Hardiness Zone Maps of Canada (Opens in a new Window)

    Plant Hardiness Zone Maps of Canada provide gridded information about where different types of plants can grow. They combine climatic information from across Canada and are available for two historical periods: 1961-1990 and 1981-2010. Projected future range maps are also available for a number of species of trees, shrubs, and perennial herbs. Climate profiles are available for plant species based on distribution data and climate models.
    Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Mapped

    Retooling for Climate Change (Opens in a new Window)

    The ReTooling for Climate Change website of the Fraser Basin Council supports local governments and First Nations in BC in preparing for climate change adaptation. Information is available on climate change generally, impacts in BC and Canada, and community adaptation. Specific topics and sectors include water management, coastal management, hazard management, infrastructure, agriculture, environmentally sensitive areas, forests and forestry, and mining.
    Fraser Basin Council
    Resource formats:
    • Tool
    • Adaptation planning

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More resources from the Canadian Centre for Climate Services

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