Library of climate resources

This is a collection of links to climate datasets, tools, guidance and related resources. The sources include the federal government, provincial and territorial governments, national professional organizations, climate consortia and established international organizations. It can be useful for impact, vulnerability and risk assessments, and for adaptation planning.

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Explanation of the different resource types
  • data product - downloadable climate dataset
  • tool - builds on a dataset with further analyses and/or visualization
  • guidance - provides direction on the use of climate information or on conducting climate-related assessments
  • codes and standards - guidance and best practice documents for climate resilient design
  • additional resources include educational and awareness-raising material, impact assessments and scientific syntheses

Showing 1 - 10 of 11 results
  • An inventory of historical climate data and climate projections for the Canadian North (Opens in a new Window)

    This collaborative report presents the work done by the Northern Climate Data Working Group Phase I, which was created in December 2020 by the Canadian Centre for Climate Services with researchers and scientists from a wide range of universities and organizations. The report constitutes a large inventory of datasets that can be useful for future development of climate products to support climate-change adaptation decision-making in the Canadian North. Datasets for meteorological, snow, hydrology, sea ice, and permafrost variables were analyzed for the historical period and for future projections. The main information is presented in the form of tables with links to websites and descriptive documents, many of which are attached as annexes. The Phase II of the Working Group has transformed the inventory presented in this report into an online searchable database ( A PDF copy of this report is available upon request. Please contact if interested.
    Government of Canada: Environment and Climate Change Canada, Carleton University, CSA Group, Government of Northwest Territories, Ouranos, University of Calgary, University of Manitoba, University of Northern British Columbia, University of Toronto, University of Victoria, Yukon University Research Centre
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Interactive
    • Scientific synthesis
    • Tool

    Archive Automated Snow Weather Station Data (Opens in a new Window)

    The Archived Automated Snow Weather Stations (ASWS) dataset includes historical hourly snow water equivalent, snow depth, air temperature, and precipitation for all ASWS stations in BC from 2011 to 2016, as well as historical daily maximum and minimum air temperature, precipitation, snow depth, and snow water equivalent for all stations in BC from date of installation to 2011. Data are available for download in tabular format.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Data files

    Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (Opens in a new Window)

    Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) contains daily fire weather, year-round fire behavior and hot spot maps throughout the forest fire season, generally between May and September. Multiple offerings are available including an interactive map, current conditions, fire danger, weather, fire weather, fire behaviour, fire M3 hotspots, and monthly and seasonal forecasts. Historical analyses including fire weather normals and fire behaviour normals are also available. Data are available as point and polygon data.
    Government of Canada: Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Interactive
    • Graphical
    • Mapped

    Climate + Weather Tools (Opens in a new Window)

    Scenarios Network for Arctic Planning (SNAP) contains a directory of interactive web tools to help make Arctic climate and weather data more accessible.
    University of Alaska Fairbanks
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Interactive
    • Graphical
    • Mapped
    • Tool
    • Adaptation planning

    Data at NSIDC (Opens in a new Window)

    Data at National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) is a large repository of datasets that describe historical cryosphere information. Datasets available include temperature, glaciers, ice sheets, permafrost, sea ice, sea moisture, and snow. Historical data are available as point and gridded data.
    National Snow and Ice Data Center
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Mapped

    Floods in Canada – Cartographic Product Collection (Opens in a new Window)

    This product displays the extent of flooding over specific areas of interest. It is published to assist on-the-ground flood response activities and to facilitate decision-making in order to reduce the risk posed by flood events in Canada. This collection of cartographic products regroups flood extent products and their associated footprints, available in three visualization timeframes: Active Floods in Canada (past three days), Floods in Canada – Current Year (past year), and Floods in Canada – Archive (previous years).
    Natural Resources Canada
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Mapped

    NASA Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources (POWER) (Opens in a new Window)

    The POWER Project helps communities become resilient amid observed climate variability through the easy access of solar and meteorological data. The Data Viewer provides a front-end web map with a simple user interface via integrated widgets that is responsive and built for mobile and desktop use.
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
    Resource formats:
    • Interactive
    • Mapped

    NeraCoos Data (Opens in a new Window)

    NeraCoos Data contains data products and tools summarizing eastern buoy, station, and forecasts data. Historical and future data are available as point data. Climate variables include wind speed, wind gust, air temperature, water temperature at varying depths, and air temperature; they are updated from each station and users can compare stations. Forecasts of coastal flooding and erosion, and 48-hour wave and wind are also available.
    Northeastern Regional Association of Coastal Ocean Observing Systems (NERACOOS), The Gulf of Maine Research Institute, Alliance for Coastal Technologies (ACT), Southeastern Universities Research Association (SURA)
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Graphical
    • Mapped
    • Tool

    Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (Opens in a new Window)

    Scenarios Network for Arctic Planning (SNAP) produces downscaled, historical and projected climate data for sub-Arctic and Arctic regions of Alaska and Canada. Other project-specific data covers much larger regions. Users can search for datasets of interest using keywords and filter datasets based on relevance, name, and date last modified. Analysis tools are also available for Alaska wildfire, climate projections, climate histories, daily precipitation, extreme weather, historical sea ice, modelled sea ice coverage, and sea ice and wind interactions.
    University of Alaska Fairbanks
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Graphical

    Snow Survey Data (Opens in a new Window)

    The Snow Survey Data dataset contains historical snow survey records from manual and electronic monitoring sites across BC. These data play a major role in flood forecasting and determining snow pack, water levels and stream flow conditions. Records may be searched using an interactive map and data are available for download in tabular format.
    Government of British Columbia
    Resource formats:
    • Data files
    • Interactive
    • Mapped

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More resources from the Canadian Centre for Climate Services

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